The data ingestion and processing systems within NEODAAS allow data to be processed within hours of being made available by a data provider allowing us to support projects requiring near real-time (NRT). For example, NEODAAS regularly support research cruises by supplying daily ‘bulletins’ which make use of satellite data and our expertise to provide an overview of the area around the current cruise ship position. NEODAAS is also able to rapidly acquire and process data to support current events such as blooms, volcano eruptions, fires or oil spills. Click here to access our data.
Images processed by NEODAAS were used to show the smoke plume from the Saddleworth moor fires in June 2018.
The images were used to complement data from flights by the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM).
Figure 1. Sentinel 2A MSI False colour image (b12/b8a/b4) 26th June 2018
NEODAAS data were transmitted daily to the RV Helmer Hanssen in 2017 and 2018 to support a UK researcher investigating possible satellite observations of Calanus finmarchicus swarms. Lateral advection over short timescales meant that daily updates were vital for targeting sampling.
Figure 2. Sampling transects and Calanus finmarchicus.
Image credit David McKee, University of Strathclyde
To request a rapid response data please contact us. For NRT support for fieldwork please speak to us to discuss your requirements then fill in a data request form. See the Access data page for more details.