The Team

Aser Mata
Research Scientist
Data processing and software developments within the facility. Takes care of airborne hyperspectral sensor calibration. Aser is also a CAA certified Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA) Operator as well as the Plymouth Marine Laboratory SUA Accountable Manager making him involved in drone data acquisition as well.
Aser is a physicist who joined PML back in 2015. Moving from his theoretical background into more interdisciplinary career paths and achieved a Master in Renewable Energy.
Remote Sensing granted him the harmony between theoretical, applied science and his ethos he was aiming to achieve. Above everything else, he enjoys physics and solving problems in order to collaborate towards a better and sustainable world.
Interested Areas of Expertise: Satellite and Airborne data. Airborne data usually being its main focus; Aser participates in all stages involved from software developing, data processing and analysis. He is also experienced in airborne hyperspectral optical sensor calibration where he participates with an active role in the laboratory and processing the data.
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