Custom Data Request Form
Any scientist or research group whose work is either supported by NERC, or is eligible for a NERC research grant or training award, may apply to NEODAAS for data processing services. To ensure cost effective use of the limited resources available, all applications for data processing are peer-reviewed and graded using procedures and criteria that are consistent with those used elsewhere in NERC. The highest quality proposals are given the highest priority, with those less highly graded being accommodated where possible. It should also be noted that for commercial work and some commissioned research NEODAAS may be obliged to pass on specific costs to users.
If you have not previously applied for NEODAAS data we would recommend contacting us before filling in this form to discuss your requirements. Please include the following information:
- Area you are interested in (ideally coordinates of bounding box).
- Time period you are interested in (can be in the future for NRT support is required).
- Datasets you would like or details about your intended use if you would like recommendations from us.
If you are filling in a NERC grant where you are likely to require NEODAAS support please contact us before submitting the grant as the NEODAAS support must be requested as part of the JeS form.
Please note: Your submitted data will be kept in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please see our Privacy Policy for more details.
Please email the form to